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Easy Palm Sunday Mobile

Palm Sunday is almost here!

It is the day when we, as Christians, remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. When the people heard that Jesus was coming, they spread their cloaks on the road and palm branches that they had cut in the field. They waved their branches and shouted, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!"

To celebrate this special day, decorate your home with this sweet Palm Sunday Mobile that you can easily make with your children. All you need are simple supplies that you already have in your home and yard.

Set aside some time, read Matthew 21:1-11, put on some worship music, and make the Palm Sunday Mobile.

Before you go to bed on Saturday night, let your children help you choose a place to hang the mobile.

These tangible reminders of the special day we are celebrating add so much depth and beauty to our lives. I hope this Palm Sunday Mobile is a blessing to you and your family!

Palm Sunday Mobile

Green construction paper



Hole punch

Red ribbon



Starting on the narrow side of the paper, fold an entire sheet of green construction paper accordion style.

When you are finished, fold it in half.

About 3/4 of the way up the stack, cut in a curve to the tip of the other side.

Unfold the stack and punch a hole where you see the crease in the paper.

Take a 12-18 inch piece of twine and tie one end through the hole and knot.

Glue the interior strips together.

Make as many palms as you want. Place your stick down and tie the palms at varying lengths along the stick. Take a long piece of twine and tie each end to the ends of your stick. Hang on a nail in the wall. Tie the red ribbon in a simple knot and hang it on the nail.


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©2022 by Ashley Tumlin Wallace. 

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