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Flourishing with the Holy Spirit: Embracing Ordinary Time

On Sunday, the church celebrated the amazing moment when the Holy Spirit fell on God’s people. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, lives were radically changed. God’s people were given wisdom and understanding, they were filled with boldness, they preached the good news to the people around them and the church multiplied exponentially.

God’s people, when filled with the Holy Spirit, flourished and grew. That same Holy Spirit has been poured out on us as well so we ask ourselves, “What is the Holy Spirit seeking to do in our lives? How can we flourish with the Holy Spirit?” The next season in the church year, Ordinary Time, is a perfect time to really pray and think about the answers to those questions.

Ordinary Time is the church’s longest season and the name is a bit misleading. Ordinary Time is anything but ordinary. The word “ordinary” comes from the Latin ordinalis and simply means numbered or ordered time. Throughout the season of Ordinary Time, the church focuses on Jesus’ abundant life, his teachings, his parables, and his miracles. Ordinary Time can also be called “The Green Meadow'' because of the green color of the vestments. Green is so fitting since it represents growth and new life.

Ways to Celebrate

Read Acts 1 and 2 about the early church flourishing after the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you anew and help you to flourish and grow.

Celebrate the season by decorating your kitchen or dining table with the color green. A green tablecloth or a jar filled with green herbs or branches from the backyard is a great way to remind us that we are in the season of Ordinary Time.

May God bless you and your family during this season of Ordinary Time!

For More Ways to Celebrate Ordinary Time


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©2022 by Ashley Tumlin Wallace. 

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