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The Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude

As the Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude approaches on October 28th, the Church anticipates a unique celebration that honors not one but two remarkable saints. These apostolic partners are commemorated together due to ancient Christian traditions and writings that suggest their collaboration in spreading the Gospel and a shared martyrdom in distant Persia. Their cooperation and shared mission continue to inspire and guide the Christian community, reminding us that great deeds can be accomplished by working together.

St. Simon the Zealot

St. Simon was a devoted disciple of Jesus. He was distinguished from Simon Peter in that he was referred to as “The Zealot.” His epithet "Zealot" or "Zelotes" suggests that Simon may have belonged to the Zealot party. This ardent Jewish nationalist group resisted Roman occupation. While the Bible doesn't explicitly confirm this connection, it underscores Simon's passion and fervor for his beliefs.

St. Simon the Zealot is one of the lesser-detailed apostles in the New Testament, and as such, much of his iconographic representation has been established by tradition. He is often shown with a saw which is about the tradition that he was martyred by being sawn in half.

St. Jude

St. Jude, also known as "Thaddeus," was another faithful disciple of Jesus. He was the brother of James the Less (Jude 1:1), another disciple of Jesus. He is specifically remembered for his inquiry into why Jesus chose to reveal himself to only a select few rather than the entire world. This intriguing question, posed by St. Jude in John 14:22-24, reflects his contemplative nature. Moreover, St. Jude's contribution to the New Testament includes the authorship of the Epistle of Jude—a letter that offers guidance and wisdom to early Christian communities.

The Legend of King Abgar

According to Legend, King Abgar V of Edessa (a city in modern-day southeastern Turkey) was suffering from leprosy. Having heard of Jesus' miraculous healing powers, Abgar sent a letter to Jesus asking Him to come to Edessa and cure him. Jesus replied to King Abgar's letter, expressing appreciation for his faith but explaining that He couldn't come to Edessa because His mission in Jerusalem was not yet complete. However, He promised to send one of His disciples to Edessa after His Ascension to heal the king and bring him the truth of the Gospel. Jesus then took a cloth and pressed it to His face. His image miraculously appeared on the cloth. Later, St. Jude brought the miraculous image of Jesus to Edessa along with the Good News of the Gospel. Upon receiving the image, King Abgar was healed. Consequently, King Abgar and many of his subjects converted to Christianity.

Some ancient sources, like the historian Eusebius of Caesarea, mention the exchange of letters between Abgar and Jesus but not the image. Over time, the story of the image, known as The Image of Edessa or the Mandylion, became an integral part of the legend.

The image became one of the most venerated relics in Christian history. It was believed to have been taken to Constantinople in the 10th century and, according to some traditions, might have been identified (or confused) with the Shroud of Turin in later times. This is why St. Jude is often depicted holding an image of Jesus in his hand.

The Epistle of Jude

The Epistle of Jude, written by St. Jude, is one of the shortest books in the New Testament, with only one chapter containing 25 verses. The letter is a passionate and urgent call for believers to remain faithful to the teachings they have received, and to be wary of false teachers.

One of the most distinctive features of the Epistle of Jude is its reference to non-canonical texts. The mention of the dispute between Michael and Satan over Moses' body (Jude 9) does not appear elsewhere in the Bible, and the quote from the Book of Enoch (Jude 14-15) directly cites a text that is outside the canonical Jewish and Christian scriptures (though it is considered canonical in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church).

Jude uses vivid and somewhat harsh imagery to describe the false teachers, making his warnings very graphic and memorable but the concluding doxology (verses 24-25) is one of the most beautiful and frequently quoted passages in the New Testament, acclaiming God and his son, Jesus Christ.

Brothers in Apostleship

Both St. Simon and St. Jude were witnesses to significant moments in the life of Jesus and the early Christian community. They followed Jesus as he preached and ministered up until his crucifixion, they witnessed his resurrection, received his teachings during the 40 days post-resurrection, and were present at his ascension. Their enduring commitment led them to the upper room, where they joined fellow disciples in awaiting the promised Holy Spirit and became Apostles of the Early Church.

The joint celebration of St. Simon and St. Jude also reflects their shared missionary journey. Tradition holds that they ventured to distant Persia, where they fearlessly preached the Gospel. Their unwavering dedication to spreading the Good News ultimately led to their martyrdom. Today, the relics of St. Jude find their place of honor in Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome, serving as a testament to their bold faith and joint mission.

The Acts of St. Simon and St. Jude

The "Acts of Simon and Jude" is an apocryphal text that narrates the missionary journey of the apostles Simon the Zealot and Jude to the Persian Empire. This text, like many other apocryphal acts of the apostles, was written to provide a narrative about the later lives and missions of the apostles, for whom the canonical scriptures provide limited information.

In this account, the apostles arrived in the ancient city of Babylon and began preaching the Gospel. Their endeavors, however, were not without resistance. The apostles encountered two powerful magicians, Zaroes and Arphaxat, who tried to oppose their missionary efforts with their magical abilities.

In response, Simon and Jude began to perform a series of miracles that stood as a resounding counterpoint to the magicians' enchantments. These miracles, performed in the name of Jesus, served as a testament to the power of Jesus and validated their message in the eyes of the local population. Even influential figures within the Persian realm found themselves drawn to the Christian faith, leading to a profound wave of conversions. After many successful conversions and the establishment of Christian communities, both apostles were eventually martyred for their faith. Legend has it that St. Simon was sawn in half and that St. Jude was clubbed to death.

The relics of St. Simon and St. Jude are believed to be located in Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.

Ways to Celebrate the Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude

Read the Epistle of Jude.

Locate the area that used to be Persia on a map, then look at where Israel is. Discuss how far of a distance it would have been to travel by foot or by boat to spread the Gospel.

Make Soul Cakes. Since The Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude occurs so close to All Hallow’s Eve and All Saints Day, traditionally Christians used to begin to prepare food such as soul cakes beginning on this day.


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©2022 by Ashley Tumlin Wallace. 

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